PYC Watersports
Kayaks and Paddle Boards (SUP's)
In recent years kayaking and stand-up paddle boarding have become very popular among our members and, indeed, we have members who join PYC specifically for the joy of participating with others in these two activities. Already, we have seen the formation of an informal kayaking group, which teams up and goes out regularly on beautiful mornings and in the evenings to experience our fabulous sunsets or moonlit nights.
We have a number of kayaks and SUPs that members can borrow at no cost.
To book a kayak and/or SUP go here.
Non-members may bring their own boat and join our club kayakers or can go out on their own from our beach for a nominal fee of $5 per launch.
Lightning Racing

Also in recent years, we have seen a heightened interest among community members for Lightning racing!
The Club has a Lightning of its own for junior sailing instruction and club members, and some club members have bought their own boats, in the hopes of drawing the surrounding community into some spritely competition.
There is no charge to enter our informal races and non-members pay only the $10 launch fee.
Mid-week races are also arranged ad hoc by mutual agreement, often involving the Learn to Sail Instructors and senior students.
For more information contact Tom Mitchell