Kayak/SUP Waiver PYC Watersports Kayak/SUP Waiver Form Members must fill this form out before booking kayaks and paddle boards (SUPs). Note: You only need to fill this form out once. To book kayaks/SUPs go here. Member First Name *Member Last Name *Email Address *Phone *Today's Date *Petpeswick Yacht Club Watercraft Booking WaiverRelease and Waiver Agreement for Petpeswick Yacht Club (PYC)Boating and Recreational Activities (Sailing, Kayaking, Paddle boarding)Warning: By signing this form you will waive certain legal rights for an injury or loss to the named person(s) herein. Please read carefully. General Release: Risk, Rules, and Terms I hereby acknowledge and agree that participating in water sports supported or operated by the PYC has inherent risk, including personal injury or loss of life. These risks include but are not limited to changing weather conditions; the failure to use boats (sailboats, kayaks, paddle boards, motorboats) safely or within one’s own ability or within designated areas; conditions of equipment and other participants. I understand these risks and hereby release and discharge PYC of and from any and all liability and responsibility to the undersigned for and in connection with any harm resulting to the named participant from participating in club activities, and promise and agree to forever indemnify the PYC, its executive, and all staff and volunteers from any and all liability or loss to the participant in connection therewith. I voluntarily assume the risk of injury, death, and property damage to myself (or the underaged person for whom I am signing) during the sailing, motoring, kayaking, paddle boarding, recreational activities and all related activities. I understand clearly that by signing this release, I will forever be prevented from taking any legal action or otherwise claiming against PYC for any loss or damage connected with any property loss or personal injury that I or the underaged person for whom I am signing may sustain while participating in the above-named activities, whether or not such loss or injury is caused solely or partly by the negligence of the PYC. The participant will wear a M.O.T approved life jacket or P.D.F at all times while participating in PYC boating activities. The participant releases all photos and videos taken of the participant during the PYC boating and recreational activities to be used for promotional purposes. The participant will be responsible for damages to or loss of equipment caused by carelessness or neglect on the part of the above-named participant which, in the opinion of the Club, is unreasonable. The participant declares that he/she has adequate knowledge and experience to use this equipment in a safe and responsible manner. Terms and Conditions to Use Petpeswick Yacht Club EquipmentI declare that: I will act only in ways that ensure my safety, the safety of all others, and the protection of the property of the club and its members. I will wear a M.O.T approved life jacket or P.D.F, and closed-toed rubber-soled footwear at all times while participating in PYC boating activities. I will borrow and return all equipment during the times booked online. I have adequate knowledge and experience to use this equipment in a safe and responsible manner. I will return all equipment to its designated storage location in the condition in which it was borrowed. I will report any damage or loss of equipment when the equipment is returned. I will fill in a Lost or Damaged Equipment form located in the shed with details so that repairs/replacements can be made. I will be responsible for damages to or loss of equipment caused by carelessness or neglect on the part of myself and my guest-participants which, in the opinion of the Club, is unreasonable. I will ensure that every participant accompanying me will fill in and sign a Release and Waiver form located in the PYC shed, and will leave this form in the designated envelope in the PYC shed. I release all photos and videos taken of the participant during the PYC boating and recreational activities to be used for promotional purposes. Medical Information and Terms for Petpeswick Yacht Club Boating and Recreational Activities (Sailing, Kayaking, Paddle boarding, Motoring)Boaters are responsible for knowing their medical conditions and seeking medical advice before taking part in paddle boarding, kayaking, or sailing.I declare that: I am medically fit and well prepared to participate in boating/paddling related activities. I will wear an approved PFD and appropriate footwear while boating. I will act only in ways that ensure my safety, the safety of all others, and the protection of the property of the club and its members and guests. By signing this document I acknowledge I have read and understand the Risks, Rules and Terms and agree to accept every risk and abide by all rules and terms. Sign Waiver